Supreme Permanent RV Water Heater By-Pass Kit with Brass Valves, 8-Inch Hose

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Supreme Permanent RV Water Heater By-Pass Kit with Brass Valves, 8-Inch Hose
Product Details
Camco's Supreme Permanent RV Water Heater By-Pass Kit allows you to permanently by-pass your water heater when winterizingsaving you money on antifreeze. It is designed to save between 6-10 gallons of antifreeze each time you winterize. This kit is compatible with 6-gallon RV water heater tanks. It installs permanently to stop additional disconnections. Product includes: (1) 8-inch crimp-resilient by-pass hose, (2) 3-way brass valves with shutoff for non-restrictive flow, and (1) roll of Teflon tape. The brass fittings have a 1/2-inch -14 NPT thread size. Each valve handle features flow indication, offering a visual indication of the valves operation.
Brand | Camco Manufacturing |
Length | 8 inch |